Nothing New Really…

Not a lot going on in my world right now other than still dusting myself off and trying to make some changes for my sanity. I have started to watch Gaiam TV and do some yoga and pilates videos through there when I don’t get to the gym. I’ve been also trying to get to the gym 3-4x a week and have really been focusing on some areas that I’ve noticed could use some toning lately (back side, stomach…the usual for most people). I hope in a few weeks that I will notice some difference. I’m also trying to find some people to play tennis in the Seattle area now that the sun is out because that is always fun and takes my mind off of things.

Today I have my first appointment with a counselor to discuss some of the things I’ve been feeling with the infertilty and other things in my life. I’m hoping that I will only need 2-3 sessions or to go every couple of weeks for a short time but I’ve got a lot on my mind so I’m afraid that I might be going for a long time! I’ll let you know how it goes.

I also saw the Chinese Medicine Dr. this week. She was stern and strict just as I had pictured she would be. She gave me some Chinese herbs to take—she has a different tea mixture for each of the 4 areas of a woman’s cycle. I’m apparently in the ovulation zone right now. It has been 18 days since my DNC and just waiting for another cycle to start. The one thing I don’t think she really understood was my 3 way Balanced Translocation…I think she thought we could definitely get pregnant on our own and didn’t understand why we would do IVF/egg donor because I’m still young enough. Either way we are still doing egg donor so hopefully between the two we will get pregnant next time.

As for when next time is…there is no time line yet. My husband and I are going to look into some options with some other fertility clinics in late April. There is a program where you can get up to 3 donor egg frozen cycles and pay one fee and if you don’t take home a baby after the 3rd attempt you get your money back. Whether we will qualify I’m not sure but we have to have a consultation first before we can even talk about the financial aspect. Our current clinic does not offer this program and since we are looking into getting a 2nd egg donor it makes sense to look at other options. I do worry that the other clinics we are meeting with are too big and “corporate” feeling. I like my current doctor quite a bit and trust that they are doing a good job with us. It’s hard to think of starting over with new people and even just filling out the paperwork brings up all the past miscarriages and everything before; I just really don’t want to start over.  In the meantime, I have not heard about any new egg donors yet from our egg donor coordinator so I guess we’ve got some time. I feel like we are in limbo and I would love to have a plan.


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