27 weeks!

We are already 27 weeks preggo and we are having a boy! I can’t believe how fast the time is flying…this little guy will be here before we know it! After everything we went through to get here I am happy to report that everything is going great and I’m feeling really good. It’s hard to believe we start the last trimester next week!



Last Shot!

For anyone who doesn’t know, when someone does IVF (with or without egg donor) the person has to take progesterone til there 10th week of pregnancy. Some women use suppositories and some give themselves a shot daily. Well, I started shots of progesterone to support the pregnancy back on May 26th (2 days before the transfer) and I am happy to report that today was the last one! At this point the placenta takes over and supports the baby with what it needs. …I will not miss my morning routine of sitting on a heating pad, heating both the progesterone in oil and the area I inject it into. I will not miss getting the needles ready, and I will definitely not miss sticking the needle in to my upper back hip every single day. I think it’s time to find a new normal.

In other news, I’ve been having crazy heartburn this morning but gladly have only had really, REALLY bad nausea once so far this pregnancy. Our next big appointment is July 31 when we do the nuchal translucency screening which tests for the possibility of down’s syndrome, spina bifida, and a few other things. This is a normal screening that most pregnant women have and should be completely fine since I used the egg of a 29 year old.


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We Graduated!

Today is a great day because we had our 2nd ultrasound in two weeks and all is looking good and healthy. Our little guy or gal is 8 weeks 5 days today and measuring perfectly in size and had a heartbeat of 174! Two weeks ago we got to see the heartbeat for the first time and at that time it was 127. This is all good news because it means we get to leave PNW Fertility after 13 months of ups and mostly downs. After all the heart ache of not getting my lining thick enough, the hysteroscopy, the first transfer that ended in DNC, the shots of progesterone, lupron, estrogen, and HCG triggers, the baby aspirin, tons of acupuncture and ultrasounds, and the months and months of doctor appointments we finally get to go to a normal doctor or midwifery group. I can’t tell you how excited I am to feel just a little bit normal for once after finding out about my 3 way translocation last summer. I know we aren’t out of the woods quite yet because it’s still early and it will still be a few more weeks til we tell the world but for now this is the happiest news we could hope for.


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38 Things

Saturday was my 38th birthday and we got the best news ever. My HCG levels doubled to 637. Even better news came on Wednesday when we got an HCG level of 2,876! The hormone levels are more than doubling every 48 hours and that is a good thing!

So I am 5 weeks, 2 days pregnant. I know things can still go bad and I am not announcing it anywhere else but here (except to close family and friends). Once we get to 12 weeks we will, of course, tell the rest of the world including any remaining friends or family who doesn’t know yet. Our next step is an ultrasound around 7 weeks, which should show us a heartbeat. Soon I should be released to a normal O.B. doctor like a “normal” person.

Now that getting pregnant seems to be resolved I feel like I should figure out what I want to be when I “grow up”. I’ve been so overwhelmed with this balanced translocation and trying to conceive for a year now. I quit my job about 13 months ago. Last year at this time we were about to go on a wonderful roadtrip for a couple of months and take some time off. So now that we have finally gotten to this point and I’ve turned 38 I think it is time to come up with some goals for the next year.

38 things to do before I turn 39

1. make three new friends

2. finish my portfolio site (the sooner the better)

3. go to Alaska

4. sew something

5. start a garden, however small that may be

6. can something (as in preserves)

7. start yoga again

8. take a letterpress class

9. learn more about photography

10. buy a house

11. purge things that we don’t need

12. read a novel just for fun

13. knit a baby blanket

14. design wedding invitations

15. sell more things on etsy

16. come up with a budget

17. volunteer somewhere

18. see some live music

19. visit Mt. Rainier

20. start a website on Balanced Translocations

21. update my other blog (honeyandthyme.com)

22. design a baby room

23. learn a new skill

24. organize

25. ride my bike

26. make fresh pasta

27. do something completely out of my comfort zone

28. swim

29. be happier

30. be less shy

31. see friends more often

32. be more crafty

33. paint with my acrylics

34. be kinder

35. relax with my husband

36. hike

37. go to Whistler

38. have a baby!

We’ll see how this year goes. 🙂



Lots of Updates


Well, it’s been a while since I updated this blog and there are a lot of new developments! We went on vacation in Europe in early May and while sitting at a cafe over lunch one day we decided to use our last embryo instead of moving forward with a new donor. I think after my grandma’s passing it just felt right and why let that embryo sit forever. If we had gotten new embryos created we probably would have never used it. Plus, we didn’t know what the timing would be if we started with a new donor either and it could have been a few more months before we could try again.

It turned out to be perfect timing with my cycle. My period started just before we left Europe and when we got home I went to the Dr. and everything looked good in an ultrasound and bloodwork wise so I started my shots of follistim, just as we did last time. By 8 days later my uterine lining was about to 8mm and the next day it was 8.07mm which is the thickest it had ever gotten. I did my HCG trigger shot Tuesday, May 22 which was our 2 year Wedding Anniversary and then for Memorial Day weekend I got to stay home and give myself progesterone shots. We finally transferred our last little embryo on May 28th (Memorial Day).

So far this one has felt a little different than the last to me…I don’t know if it’s just because I’ve been more relaxed since our vacation or what. I started peeing on a stick June 2nd and every day until yesterday. By day 2 I was seeing a faint line, day 3 was a little darker, and by yesterday it was turning quite dark more quickly. Today was my beta and I’m happy to report that my HCG levels were 291.6 and I am indeed pregnant!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m proceeding cautiously. I still worry that things will go wrong after the last transfer. I go back on Saturday (my birthday) and hopefully the numbers will double in 48-72 hours and then I expect I will come in again next week, good or bad. If all things proceed as they should our 1st ultrasound will be June 25 and we will be due Feb. 13, 2013.

Grow baby grow!


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New Beginnings?

Hello! It’s been a few weeks since my last post. It feels like a lot has gone on and at the same time nothing has gone on since I last wrote. I don’t even know where to begin with this post.

Yesterday my sweet, beautiful 93 year old grandmother passed away. She was not in any pain but was in the hospital. I got to see her Sunday for a visit at her home and could tell that something was going on with her. She was more tired than her usual perky self and just didn’t look good. My dad and uncle took her to the hospital later that day but I didn’t learn of this until Tuesday afternoon. She was dehydrated and had a bladder and kidney infection but was doing much better. I even talked to her for a few minutes at 3:30pm Tuesday and it sounded like she would go home in 24-48 hours. She sounded way better on the phone and said her legs were wobbly but she had gone for a walk around the building and had just needed rest. I told her I loved her and said good bye thinking she was still going to be with us for a little longer. But around 4a.m. my dad and uncle got calls to come to the hospital because her health had declined. They were with her at 4:45a.m. when she died. All I can say is she was the best grandma there ever was. Never judged anyone and always was around to talk or give you a smile. Grandma, I’m going to miss you and your laugh and spunk.

As for the fertility stuff – we decided not to look at other Fertility Clinics. I’m not sure exactly why other than to say that it seemed like it would just take more time to get going again and cause more ups and downs. We have been looking at new egg donors this week and have decided on a couple of gals. My husband has to take a genetic carrier type blood test next week and that may determine who we pick if he and these girls are carriers for any of the same things. One of the girls is currently matched with another couple so we would have to wait a month in between her cycles before we could use her eggs and would push us out to June sometime for new embryos; the other girl is slated to give eggs to the egg bank at the clinic we are at but we could end up using her eggs as early as next week and have embryos created while we are away on a trip.

I also started seeing a therapist a few weeks ago. It has helped to have an outlet and someone to talk to outside of the situation. She thinks I may suffer from compounded loss since I’ve lost (now) three grandparents in less than two years and have had 3 miscarriages and 1 DNC in about one and a half years. We have talked about meditation and just taking care of myself. She is good at reinforcing and reminding me that it’s okay for me to not be working outside of the home right now or it’s fine if I go see a friend at 3pm for happy hour or take tennis lessons or not work full time on things I think I should be doing. She calls it “wringing myself out” for the next round, and boy do I need it.

I’ve also started seeing a new acupuncturist. I saw the Chinese Dr. twice but she did not acknowledge my chromosomal issues at all. I decided I was not comfortable with that and so have moved on to someone else. There is no amount of herbs or acupuncture that is going to fix my chromosomal issues. She thought that no matter what my chromosomal rearrangement is we could still get pregnant with her support and then if that didn’t happen then we should move back to egg donor options. I even brought in an inch tall stack of paperwork from my doctor records over the past year and my basal temperature chartings and she still didn’t get it. Now I am seeing Kristi Stoddard who seems wonderful. She is a little more of a drive for me but hopefully she can help with my uterine lining and sustaining a pregnancy next time around.

I think that’s about all for now. I’m excited for a 10 day vacation coming up, have been exercising and just trying to stay sane while my husband works crazy hours and tries to support me during all my ups and downs. In some sort of way I hope with my grandma passing away and with new egg donors in our reach there is a new beginning lying ahead of us with happiness, calm and a healthy baby to hold.


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Nothing New Really…

Not a lot going on in my world right now other than still dusting myself off and trying to make some changes for my sanity. I have started to watch Gaiam TV and do some yoga and pilates videos through there when I don’t get to the gym. I’ve been also trying to get to the gym 3-4x a week and have really been focusing on some areas that I’ve noticed could use some toning lately (back side, stomach…the usual for most people). I hope in a few weeks that I will notice some difference. I’m also trying to find some people to play tennis in the Seattle area now that the sun is out because that is always fun and takes my mind off of things.

Today I have my first appointment with a counselor to discuss some of the things I’ve been feeling with the infertilty and other things in my life. I’m hoping that I will only need 2-3 sessions or to go every couple of weeks for a short time but I’ve got a lot on my mind so I’m afraid that I might be going for a long time! I’ll let you know how it goes.

I also saw the Chinese Medicine Dr. this week. She was stern and strict just as I had pictured she would be. She gave me some Chinese herbs to take—she has a different tea mixture for each of the 4 areas of a woman’s cycle. I’m apparently in the ovulation zone right now. It has been 18 days since my DNC and just waiting for another cycle to start. The one thing I don’t think she really understood was my 3 way Balanced Translocation…I think she thought we could definitely get pregnant on our own and didn’t understand why we would do IVF/egg donor because I’m still young enough. Either way we are still doing egg donor so hopefully between the two we will get pregnant next time.

As for when next time is…there is no time line yet. My husband and I are going to look into some options with some other fertility clinics in late April. There is a program where you can get up to 3 donor egg frozen cycles and pay one fee and if you don’t take home a baby after the 3rd attempt you get your money back. Whether we will qualify I’m not sure but we have to have a consultation first before we can even talk about the financial aspect. Our current clinic does not offer this program and since we are looking into getting a 2nd egg donor it makes sense to look at other options. I do worry that the other clinics we are meeting with are too big and “corporate” feeling. I like my current doctor quite a bit and trust that they are doing a good job with us. It’s hard to think of starting over with new people and even just filling out the paperwork brings up all the past miscarriages and everything before; I just really don’t want to start over.  In the meantime, I have not heard about any new egg donors yet from our egg donor coordinator so I guess we’ve got some time. I feel like we are in limbo and I would love to have a plan.


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New Egg Donor on the Horizon

I talked to our Egg Donor Coordinator this morning. I had just gotten up about 8:45 this morning and she called at 9:10am. I was just starting to think about my day and wasn’t really prepared to talk about all this stuff. But I had written her an email on Monday asking her her thoughts about what to do next. She had talked with my Dr. in length about our situation. As a reminder to anyone reading this, we did one egg donor in November but had to freeze the 3 (only 3!) embryos we got, it took 4 months for my lining to perk up enough to transfer in February, we thawed one embryo and it didn’t survive the thaw (1 in 100 chance) and thawed #2 and tranferred on Feb. 17. It stuck for about a minute in terms of how long it needed to stick and stopped developing at about 5 weeks. I had a DNC on March 19.

The next step apparently for us is to either use the last embryo we have or do another egg donor now or soon and freeze what we get from that cycle. Everyone seems worried that since two embryos haven’t made it the third one won’t either because we may have gotten a bad batch. AND the thing is we have always said we want two kids. So even if the last embryo makes it and we got a miracle child out of it we would probably try this again anyways. At the beginning of all this we really wanted two kiddos who could have the same mother biologically and that would not happen if we tried with the one we have and then tried with another embryo from a different donor later. Is that really important? Probably not in the grand scheme of things, but it was a nice thought. I still really want my kids to at least be half of my husband and I know he wants that as well so we must keep trying.I still really want to get pregnant and grow these babies myself.

My egg donor coordinator is going to start looking through every egg donor they have at their disposal and start sending me profiles. We want someone who is proven, meaning they have helped other couples get pregnant; someone with lots of eggs and follicles so we can potentially get lots of embryos this time; and there are other characteristics I’m sure they look at that make someone the “perfect” donor. I do worry that we will end up with a “bad batch” again because there is no guarantee. The donor we picked last time had a great track record and she got every other couple pregnant. I feel like I am the exception to every rule they have ever heard of unfortunately and I feel like we have to catch a break some time, right?

Just before I got on to post today I was searching around facebook and ended up looking up someone I used to work with. Lo’ and behold she had a baby today. Go figure. Sometimes I feel like I just can’t win. I really am happy for friends who have babies, but a large part of me is jealous. When will it be my turn?

So I’m hoping we find the perfect match and that this person will create a boatload of eggs for us and more will survive. I’m hoping to find someone in April or May so that while we are on a vacation early May we can come back and get my lining perfect and transfer. I’m even hoping right now that if we transfer two maybe they will both stick and we can be done with all this.


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Bad Eggs?

Today my DH and I had a follow up with our Dr. to go over this cycle and to figure out what might come next. They still don’t know why we got pregnant and then it stopped developing or why one of our embryos didn’t survive the thaw (1 in 100 chance). Maybe it’s related? My Dr. said it might be a bad “batch” which is horrible to think we have one frozen embryo left and what if that one doesn’t work? The donor we chose had a good success rate with other couples …all 5 other couples got pregnant and have kids and she notoriously had more than 3 embryos with all of those other families. We talked about doing another fresh cycle with a new donor because maybe that would give us better odds but we will probably go ahead with the frosty we have and then try another donor if we have to…we do still want siblings though so maybe that is a better option? We also had my DH tested for any chromosomal anomalies just in case…wouldn’t that be bizarre!? I’m sure he is fine because he has 4 siblings all with families but it’s a shot in the dark to see if something else could have happened. I had a blood draw today and my hcg level is down to 162, which is good news. After the DNC Monday it was 767 on Tuesday so it is falling fast. I’ll go in one more time once AF starts. I’m starting to feel a little more back to normal today and the sun is shining finally in Seattle so it’s a good day. Now just to figure out what to do with all this discouraging information.


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Dusting Myself Off

I live in Seattle and it has been cold lately. It’s supposed to be spring but right now as I write this it is 37 degrees outside. But as the sun came through the window temporarily this morning I felt better this morning and thought this is the first day to the next FET cycle and what am I going to do differently this time? I know there’s not a lot I can do that would have changed the outcome of this FET cycle unfortunately but for myself there are some things I can do better.

1. I’m going to start doing yoga and pilates more and some other exercise classes. I belong to a gym and their are daily classes that I don’t go to so there is no excuse. I mainly go and do the elliptical machines and once in a while weights and I feel like I just maintain my weight. I’m lucky to be petite but I really don’t feel like I’m in that great of shape. I’m going to take advantage of these classes and get toned over the next 6-8 weeks before we try again.

2. I’m going to eat more fruit and veggies. We just started to get a box delivered from New Roots Organics in Seattle biweekly so I really have no excuse to not eat healthy. Today is a new shipment so I’m excited to see what we get.

3. I’m going to continue acupuncture at Grassroots in Fremont. I’ve been going there since January when my health insurance stopped covering me at another place I was going. However, I am going to also supplement visits with a Chinese Dr. who my acupuncturist has recommended because she helps women get pregnant and uses Chinese herbs.

4. I will continue to take my prenatal vitamin along with chaste tree berry, red raspberry leaf, baby aspirin and vitamin e. I was taking all these before because they are supposed to help in getting my lining thick and I needed all the help I could get. I’m hoping that since we got my lining thick enough last time with follistim that it will magically work right away in May or June when we do this again. I think it will help take a month or two off from now til then to get my body back in a balance.

5. I want to start meditation. I’m not sure how often I will do this or what the best techniques are yet but I’m going to do some research on it. I know that just being in yoga classes will help with this.

6. I’m going to work on my graphic design business for myself. With so much going on with trying to get pregnant and it being such an up hill battle for us I often forget that I am a creative person and do have my business license and wanted to start doing web design and/or wedding invitations on the side. I do have a couple small projects right now but really I could be doing a lot more and I need to focus on using my time well.

7. We are going to Barcelona and Paris in May and I need to work on our itinerary and learning French.

8. Spend quality time with my husband. We don’t get enough of it.

9. Just get back to a “normal” for a little bit. Even if I don’t know what that is right now. I need to set up a daily routine to get me back on track.

I’ll try to update how I’m doing. This whole cycle still hurts but I’m getting through it one hour or day at a time. I know it’s okay to be sad and cry but really I just want my life back a little bit right now and to feel needed and do some stuff for myself and the “other side” of my life.


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